Sitting here in tears which seems to be a common occurrence when I read your stuff. Thinking about my kids, and how they used to come barreling around the corner dressed as Jedis for no reason at all, light sabers flashing. And I just remembered we had this Darth Vader helmet and you could press a button and there would be James Earl Jones saying, “Luke, the force is strong with you” or “Luke, I am your father” - I think there were maybe five different phrases. Somewhere I have a video of my daughter at three or four wearing it in her pajamas, pushing the button over and over again while my son and I laughed our asses off. My son is heading to college Thursday.

I suppose it’s something about the passage of time and lost innocence and not being able to hold onto much of anything. And it’s also the way you write about your wife and daughters which hits me right in the heart. Anyway, that was a lot of words to say “thank you” 🤍 And Jenn sounds like my kind of gal.

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I think you’re the most generous person I’ve seen on here, Ally. Thank you <3 (and Star Wars toys rocked!)

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Thank you, Paul. That’s the kindest thing you could say. I love it here, and when you joined I did a serious happy dance. Still dancing :)

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